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What is my therapeutic approach?


Because of my training at a number of different Institutions across France and in Australia, I have had the priviledge of being exposed to many different schools of psychology and therapy. At the University of Sydney I received a grounding in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy which I further pursued at the University of Lille. At the University of Paris, I received training on Psychodynamic and projective techniques, as well as my careers guidance training and human-animal studies. At the University of Rennes, I pursued further education in Ethology, the study of human and animal behaviour. And because I truly believe that creativity is also part of the healing and change process, I can incorporate creativity in my treatment plans, if the client feels this could be beneficial. Because I incorporate techniques coming from different schools of therapy, I use what is called an integrative approach.


Building a relationship of trust is essential to my practice but also the environment in which the therapy takes place must be a comfortable where the client feels safe and secure. The Bailly Centre, where my consultations take place, aims to give you just that:

What is therapy?


I use different techniques and methods, yet the therapeutic process stays the same no matter which technique or method is used. 

- Therapy is a process

whereby the road we travel to get to our therapeutic goal (e.g., the removal of the symptoms of depression) is just as important as the goal itself. This is because during the process we learn a lot about ourselves and this learning can be transposed to other facets of everyday life. 

- Therapy is based on trust

The relationship that is built throughout the therapeutic process is a partnership and is therefore intrinsically different to other types of social relations where an imbalance of power is the norm (e.g., teacher and student, manager and employee...). Once the client feels comfortable with the therapist, there are no inherently taboo subjects. 

- The goal is full autonomy 

The path we embark on ultimately leads to full autonomy and understanding of why we behave or react the way we do. Meaning is also an important aspect of the healing process. When these aspects become important during the therapy, we may revert to a more existential approach.

- Information and freedom

The client always has the choice because is always in possession of all the information: my practice is based on transparency and partnership with my clients.

- You decide

You are always in control of the therapeutic process and always at its centre. My role is guidance and accompaniment. 

- Results are tangible

We will be moitoring your progress at regular intervals.

- Professionalism

My work with my clients is always:

 - Strictly confidential 

 - Non-judgemental, supportive and empathetic

 - Adheres to the Code of ethics for Psychologists (you can follow this link to the French version of the Code of ethics, which is similar to the Code of ethics used in the English-speaking world)



How long is the therapeutic process?


Although my belief is that therapy should be a brief moment in one's life, of course the actual length of time will vary enormously and will also be function of the length of time you have lived with the issue and its severity. An anxiety problem which was left unrecognised or untreated during childhood will be more difficult to tackle in adulthood. Why? Because your personality developed around the anxiety core and you found - sometimes very subtle - ways to get around having to confront the object of your anxieties, hence avoiding having to feel anxiety altogether! Paradoxically, the more one avoids feeling anxious, the more the anxiety disorder is reinforced and installs itself. This is because avoiding the aversive object (the one that makes you feel anxiety) brings a sense of relief (the "phew! I'm glad I got out of that one!" feeling). For the brain and the body, this sense of relief is associated to a pleasurable event and so the avoidance is positively reinforced. This is known as negative reinforcement in CBT lingo (the aversive stimulus is removed). You actually learn to avoid the aversive stimuli because it brings your brain and body a reward. Length of treatment will also be a function of your motivation and willingness to change. During treatment, we encounter resistence to change and this is a very normal part of the process. Psychodynamic theory can help understand aspects of resistence to change in the form of defense mechanisms and internal conflict. There may also be an underlying hidden benefit that we have to discover before being able to change. The role of the therapist is to help you find the motivation and the strength to change.


Another factor that will play a role in determining the length of treatment is your ability to carry out assigned tasks and activities between sessions. These tasks are not particularly time-consuming but they may entail a certain discipline in that they will have to be carried out on a daily basis for a given amount of time. For example, I may ask you to monitor your reactions to certain situations by writing your observations down on paper so that we can discuss them in the following session. Or, I may ask you to set daily relaxation moments once I give you the relaxation techniques to use at home. I may also ask you to think about a certain topic, such as your values in life, in order to stimulate the change process. Both the client and the therapist have an active role in this change process. 



Individual consultations

 Life-skills workshops

Vocational guidance

Support groups

6 rue de l'Agent Bailly 75009 PARIS


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I'm a psychologist in Paris. My job is to help my clients feel better about themselves and about their lives. Thank you for visiting my website. 

Hi, I'm Sophie Elatri


​© 2015 par Sophie ELATRI

N° ADELI : 75 932204 3

N° SIRET : 51053791300046

I am an English-speaking psychologist based in Paris

Je suis une psychologue basée à Paris dont la langue maternelle est l'anglais


English-speaking therapist, therapy in English in Paris !

Psychothérapie en anglais à Paris ! 


I was trained in Australia and France

J'ai été formée en Australie et en France


I've worked in a variety of different contexts: large corporations and smaller businesses, social work settings and private practice

J'ai exercé dans de nombreux contextes, que ce soit dans de grandes entreprises, des PME, ou dans le milieu associatif et les cabinets en libéral


I take one-to-one consultations and small groups

Je propose des consultations individuelles ainsi que les petits groupes thérapeutiques et des ateliers


I use multiple forms of therapy to increase the likelihood of obtaining positive and long-lasting results

J'utilise de nombreuses méthodes pour accélerer le processus de guérison et de changement


My work with my clients is based on trust and transparency

Mon travail avec les patients est basé sur la confiance et la transparence


If you feel you need my help, please call:

Si vous souhaitez que l'on travaille ensemble, appelez-moi :

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