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When is the right time to seek help or commit to psychotherapy?


The answer to this is subjective - all mental and emotional life is quintessentially a personal experience - but also cultural. In France, clients tend to consult a psychologist as a last resort, when they start losing control of aspects in their daily existence. This is because engaging in psychotherapy is still seen as something quite out of the ordinary. In English-speaking cultures, this is much less the case. In many circumstances, people will consult a psychologist as a matter of basic health practice and maintaining a balanced lifestyle. 

What kinds of issues can be raised or dealt with in therapy?

Classically, psychologists help clients with issues such as depression, post-traumatic stress, anxiety, phobias, obsessive-compulsive disorder, personality disorders, bipolar disorder, sexual issues, addiction issues, adult ADHD, schizophrenia, feeding and eating disorders, to name some of the main disorders that may arise during the course of a lifetime (Find out more about mental disorders here). Different forms of therapy - accompanied by medication or without medication - can treat these disorders and alleviate the client's suffering. The form of therapy I have chosen to use and the one I am trained in for these disorders is Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), which achieves extremely good results consistently in the scientific literature and on field.

This is not to say that you should wait for a disorder to develop before seeking help. A guide to help you decide would be to ask yourself some questions:


Fight procrastination
Increase will-power

CBT gets results in treating most major disorders such as depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, and chronic insomnia. 


Find out more about how CBT works by following this link



Is this situation or this period in my life causing me mental strain, distress, anguish, stress, sadness, or suffering? Is the situation making me feel uncomfortable or out of my depth, out of my reality (I don't recognise myself anymore)?

Having trouble balancing work and family life? Do your habits, such as procrastination, stop you from achieving what you really want?


Find out more about how CBT works to achieve a balanced lifestyle by following this link

Is there something I want to change about my life, my habits or myself, without anything necessarily going wrong in life at the moment?

Develop positive habits
Focus on success
Break bad habits
Develop a positive self-image

Is an addiction making your life difficult to handle at the moment? Modern life is full of temptations, and an addiction can involve the Internet (games and social networks), shopping, sugar cravings, gambling, as well as sex, alcohol, drugs and tobacco. 


Find out more about how CBT can help you get over an addiction by following this link

Have I developed some particular habits which are undermining my relationships and making my daily life difficult to cope with and interfering with my ability at work?

Find the motivation to change

Sometimes the way we communicate affects our relationship to others. Why not come and join one of my Assertiveness training groups which teaches you to communicate efficiently? 


Find out more about the Assertiveness workshops by following this link

Is there something I need to learn how to do in order to improve my relationships?

Communicate effectively
Develop positive relationships
Become assertive
Increase confidence and self-esteem


Individual consultations

 Life-skills workshops

Vocational guidance

Support groups

Supportive psychotherapy can help with grief issues and is based on the therapist engaging in a fully emotional, encouraging, and supportive relationship with the client


Find out more about how  supportive psychotherapy works by following this link

Do I need some support from outside my family and social network in order to get through a really rough patch right now (e.g, loss of a loved one)?

Sometimes, we may want to seek external help or advice because the questions we ask ourselves about life and human are not being resolved or have been going round in circles for years. 

Do you think you may be suffering from a mental disorder? Find out more about mental disorders here

Support during a tough period
Answers to questions


Writing therapy

Existential aspects

Talk therapy

I combine different techniques to adapt to individual client needs

6 rue de l'Agent Bailly 75009 PARIS


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I'm a psychologist in Paris. My job is to help my clients feel better about themselves and about their lives. Thank you for visiting my website. 

Hi, I'm Sophie Elatri


​© 2015 par Sophie ELATRI

N° ADELI : 75 932204 3

N° SIRET : 51053791300046

I am an English-speaking psychologist based in Paris

Je suis une psychologue basée à Paris dont la langue maternelle est l'anglais


English-speaking therapist, therapy in English in Paris !

Psychothérapie en anglais à Paris ! 


I was trained in Australia and France

J'ai été formée en Australie et en France


I've worked in a variety of different contexts: large corporations and smaller businesses, social work settings and private practice

J'ai exercé dans de nombreux contextes, que ce soit dans de grandes entreprises, des PME, ou dans le milieu associatif et les cabinets en libéral


I take one-to-one consultations and small groups

Je propose des consultations individuelles ainsi que les petits groupes thérapeutiques et des ateliers


I use multiple forms of therapy to increase the likelihood of obtaining positive and long-lasting results

J'utilise de nombreuses méthodes pour accélerer le processus de guérison et de changement


My work with my clients is based on trust and transparency

Mon travail avec les patients est basé sur la confiance et la transparence


If you feel you need my help, please call:

Si vous souhaitez que l'on travaille ensemble, appelez-moi :

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